Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Betty Crocker? Was she REAL? DID SHE EXIST?

Betty Crocker was a very famous baker in the 19th century, and is still very famous today. I happened to come across some stunning news though! So, you tell me what you think! Is Betty Crocker real? Well, in an Advanced Class that I take in school we had to study decades. The decade that came into my hands was the 1950's. So, I had to pick a person for this decade. My friend picked her for me, and she happened to pick... Betty Crocker! I decided to do a thorough research of her, because I had to answer an interview. So, I did.......................

You would not believe what I found out. OK, Betty Crocker is not a real person! I could not believe it! For years I have gone by the fact that she is a real person, but she wasn't. General Mills created her. They even made up a voice on a radio talk show. On the Internet I read that they used persona. Now that is a creative way to do marketing, and for SO many years some people have lived by the fact that she was real. "Betty Crocker" even got 4,000- 5,000 letters a day. So, just think of it a famous figure could be a fictitious character (in history)!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

On the 22nd of November it was Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a traditional North American holiday. It is said that on this day you should give thanks to everything you have, and also think about the less fortunate. In North America Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. Well, anyways Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Build -A -Bear E-mail Marketing

In todays post I will talk about Build- A- Bear Workshop's
E-mail Marketing, because a very interesting thing happened to me today. Well, I was trying to get Build- A- Bear Workshop on my e-mail list today (which was very easy) it said that 13 years and under people could not suscribe. So... I tried ages that were much more elder than 13. Apparently this did not work!
Later today I tried suscribing for their e-mail again, and for some reason it worked. Maybe it was my computer, or maybe it was just that this website was not working at the specific hour.
I would love for you to try regestering for their e-mail, and giving me your feedback. It would be help.

By the way Build- A -Bear is a kid stuffed animal toy shop!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


One of my favorite things about the computer is that you can e-mail. If you did not know...
e-mail stands for electronic mail. It is a very useful process, because you only have to type. You don't have to remember any numbers! Especially when it comes to chatting with long distant friends, and family. I love e-mailing! It is very fun, but you must use it safely. What are your comments on e-mailing

Shivani Kapur

Monday, September 17, 2007

Reading Books I Would Recommend!!

Here are some recommended books by me: (this list will be updated)

Princess Academy
by: Shannon Hale
illustrator:Tim Zeltner

The Great Sockathon
by: Michael Delaney
illustrator: Brian Floca

The Big Bike Race
by: Lucy Jane Bledsoe
illustrator: Sterling Brown

The Old Willis Place
by: Mary Downing Hahn
illustrator: Ericka O' Rourke

by: Louis Sachar
illustrator: Vladimir Radunsky

The Ghost of Cutler Creek
by: Cynthia Defelice

Esperanza Rising
by: Pam Munoz Ryan

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Before Segregation

Before segregation there were three amendments made. These three amendments were...

Thirteenth Amendment- abolishes slavery
Fourteenth Amendment- gives African Americans right to be citizens
Fifteenth Amendment- gives all men of all races the right to vote (NOT WOMEN)

I agree with all these amendments except for the Fifteenth, because women should have the rigt to vote!

Shivani Kapur

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today's article is...

Well, you know about Abraham Lincoln, but a few years after he died something happened! It was terrible.

This problem was called segregation. Segregation can also be known as the Jim Crow laws. Segregation was when African Americans and whites were separated. For example, there would be a water fountain for whites and African Americans. Another example is shown above. I think segregation was very cruel, and many people opposed it like, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. I think these people are true heroes!