Tuesday, September 25, 2007


One of my favorite things about the computer is that you can e-mail. If you did not know...
e-mail stands for electronic mail. It is a very useful process, because you only have to type. You don't have to remember any numbers! Especially when it comes to chatting with long distant friends, and family. I love e-mailing! It is very fun, but you must use it safely. What are your comments on e-mailing

Shivani Kapur

Monday, September 17, 2007

Reading Books I Would Recommend!!

Here are some recommended books by me: (this list will be updated)

Princess Academy
by: Shannon Hale
illustrator:Tim Zeltner

The Great Sockathon
by: Michael Delaney
illustrator: Brian Floca

The Big Bike Race
by: Lucy Jane Bledsoe
illustrator: Sterling Brown

The Old Willis Place
by: Mary Downing Hahn
illustrator: Ericka O' Rourke

by: Louis Sachar
illustrator: Vladimir Radunsky

The Ghost of Cutler Creek
by: Cynthia Defelice

Esperanza Rising
by: Pam Munoz Ryan

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Before Segregation

Before segregation there were three amendments made. These three amendments were...

Thirteenth Amendment- abolishes slavery
Fourteenth Amendment- gives African Americans right to be citizens
Fifteenth Amendment- gives all men of all races the right to vote (NOT WOMEN)

I agree with all these amendments except for the Fifteenth, because women should have the rigt to vote!

Shivani Kapur

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today's article is...

Well, you know about Abraham Lincoln, but a few years after he died something happened! It was terrible.

This problem was called segregation. Segregation can also be known as the Jim Crow laws. Segregation was when African Americans and whites were separated. For example, there would be a water fountain for whites and African Americans. Another example is shown above. I think segregation was very cruel, and many people opposed it like, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. I think these people are true heroes!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Abraham Lincoln-(1809-1865)

Todays post is...

On the day of February 12, 1809 a baby was born! This baby was going to make our nation a better place with great laws!
When Lincoln was only nine years old his mom died. He was in agony until his father re-married. He loved his new mother a lot, (stepmother) and called her his angel mother. Also, Lincoln's dad built a log cabin in Kentucky where he lived in most of his life,and did chores on the farm there.
When Lincoln was older he decided to leave the house get a job and get married. He was first a lawyer, then a mail room clerk,then a surveyor,etc. As you see Lincoln's life was probably very busy.
Later he decided to get marrried. One lady rejected his proposal. Then he married Mary Todd. After he married her he ran for Congress, because he hated slavery! He lost by Steven Douglas. When he ran again he won!
In the year of 1809 Lincoln ran for President, and won. He was assasinated in 1865 at Ford's Theatre in Washington, DC. We remember President Lincoln for freeing the slaves and uniting our country once again.
You can go to these links to learn more about President Lincoln.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

By: Shivani Kapur

My name is Shivani.
I have one older brother, a mother, and a father.

The blog below is written by my father!!!