Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Betty Crocker? Was she REAL? DID SHE EXIST?

Betty Crocker was a very famous baker in the 19th century, and is still very famous today. I happened to come across some stunning news though! So, you tell me what you think! Is Betty Crocker real? Well, in an Advanced Class that I take in school we had to study decades. The decade that came into my hands was the 1950's. So, I had to pick a person for this decade. My friend picked her for me, and she happened to pick... Betty Crocker! I decided to do a thorough research of her, because I had to answer an interview. So, I did.......................

You would not believe what I found out. OK, Betty Crocker is not a real person! I could not believe it! For years I have gone by the fact that she is a real person, but she wasn't. General Mills created her. They even made up a voice on a radio talk show. On the Internet I read that they used persona. Now that is a creative way to do marketing, and for SO many years some people have lived by the fact that she was real. "Betty Crocker" even got 4,000- 5,000 letters a day. So, just think of it a famous figure could be a fictitious character (in history)!



Ffoxworth said...

I enjoyed reading your blog! I did not know that Betty Crocker was not a real person. When I was a senior in high school I received the Betty Crocker Homemaker award. My family thought it was funny because I didn't really cook at that time. I won the award because I made the highest score on the Betty Crocker Homemaker test! It just goes to show that knowing something and being able to do can be 2 different things. Anyway, I enjoyed reading about your research!

Shivani said...

Thanks for the comment! In fact your Betty Crocker story is very interesting, and very funny too! Also, did you know that the 4,000-5,000 letters that she got everyday included marriage proposals. Anyways, I have left a comment on your Bucket List post! Be sure to read it!

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ABM1357 said...


girl wid coolness

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